As your order works its way through our production, packaging, and shipping process, the status of your order will be updated on our website. Below is a list of the various states that may be displayed with your order and what they mean.
Status | Meaning | How Long At This Stage? |
New | We have received your order. It is pending initial review. | Your order is usually reviewed the same day it was received. If it is a weekend or holiday, it will be reviewed the next business day. |
Hold | Your order has been reviewed, but we need more information from you before it can be released for processing. You should have already received an email from us if this is the current status of your order. |
Your order will remain at this stage until we hear back from you. |
Awaiting Payment | We are waiting to receive your wire transfer, cheque or money order. | Your order will remain at this stage until we receive payment. |
Processing | Your order has been released to production and fulfillment to be processed. | The length of time that your order is at this stage will depend on the availability and production time for the items that you ordered. If your order has been at this stage for longer than you expected, please do not hesitate to contact us to find out what might be holding up your order. |
Shipped | Your complete order has been shipped. | We have shipped all of the items in your order. If your order was shipped using a trackable shipping option, you would have received an email from us with the shipment tracking number. |